Deploying to Jekyll

19 Mar 2021 - Eric Chrobak

This site was started in 2016 as part of a Codecademy project. At the time it was built on HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and JQuery. It went through a series of changes from there. With the main one being a css theme being added for the nav menu.

Over time I saw the maintenance of the site was becoming to much. Some of the things that were a big hindrance were:

  1. Hosting fees
  2. Everytime I had to change the nav or footer I had to update each page
  3. Deploying changes was tedius and cumbersome.

I decided I needed to switch to something more scalable and cheaper. After comparing different options I settled on Jekyll and the GitHub Pages tandem. This provides you:

The process I had to go through to get this up and running was rather long and intricate but I learned a lot of things and am now able to maintain it myself.