LEARN IDE & General Keyboard Shorcuts

03 Aug 2018 - Eric Chrobak

I love that coding and programming involves shortcuts to increase productivity.

One of my favorite shortcuts while working on a computer is keyboard shortcuts!

I will provide some common ones and then those more specific to Learn IDE.

CMD/⌘ - this is the Command/ button on the mac. PC users use your Ctrl(Control) key. These are is located on the lower left of your keyboard.

Instructions: CMD + ; - press the CMD button and press the “;” key. Don’t press the + key. I added that to separate the two keys visually.

General Shortcuts

CMD + Tab - switch between applications ex. switch between Learn IDE and Chrome.

CMD + C - Copy - copies the highlighted text, picture, folder, etc.

CMD + X - Cut - cuts the highlighted text, picture, folder, etc. The difference between this copy command is when you cut the highlighted item is removed until you paste it in the new location.

CMD + V - Paste - pastes what you either copies or cut onto the location your cursor is or in the folder you are in.

CMD + B - Bold - changes cursor and/or highlighted text to bold.

CMD + I - Italics - changes cursor and/or highlighted text to italics.

CMD + U - Underline - changes cursor and/or highlighted text to underlined.

Learn IDE Shortcuts

CMD + ; - switch between text editor and console.

CMD + i - toggle the console on or off.

CMD + \ - will toggle the file tree on the left side.

CMD + / - will comment out the line your cursor is on and if you have multiple lines highlighted then CMD-/ will comment out all the lines you have highlighted.

CMD + 1 - if you have multiple files open in the Learn IDE CMD-1 switches to the 1st file.

CMD + 2 - to the second, and so on.

The last two work in all web browsers to switch to the different tabs you have open. There are some basic and intermediate shortcuts to help you in your work!